Jennifer Jancuska + The BringAbout
In residency with Douglas Waterbury-Tieman
The Drama League
Jennifer Jancuska & The BringAbout is a company of artists, which activates new musicals or plays with a diverse, yet cohesive, bundle of instinct, skill, language, and movement. Their talents have surged in development of new work and performances, from Broadway to the most outrageous concerts, videos, live events and beyond. Collaborators of The BringAbout include Pig Pen Theatre, Alexander Sage Oyen, Elliah Heifetz, Rebekah Allen, Zach Zadek, Matte O’Brien, Matt Vinson, Bobby Cronin, Adam Gwon, Sarah Hammond and more!
Contact Jennifer with questions and ideas for collaboration!
"What you created gave shape to my ideas and dreams in a way that I didn't even know was possible." - Douglas Waterbury-Tieman